Thursday, August 30, 2007

Being a Girl is Fun!!

I love doing my own hair!! This is how I did my hair on Wednesday. You can't see all of them, but I have about 20 clippies in my hair!!! Mommy is so boring when she does my hair--she only uses 2. =-( For some reason, Mommy doesn't let me do my own hair for school or church. Maybe when I am older

This is my Blue Painting that I did in preschool on Tuesday. Bapa (Grandpa Harry) says this painting is from my blue period. I have no clue what he's talking about, but Mommy and Daddy laughed.

I continue to love preschool very much!!! I am learning the other kids' names. For snack today we had animal crackers and milk!! Two of my favorite things!

Oh yeah. My mommy thinks this is funny. Yesterday, I was standing on the stool in my bathroom washing my hands. All of a sudden, the phone rang. It wasn't in the bathroom so it wasn't that loud. But for some reason, it startled me enough to make me fall off the stool. Once Mommy determined that I was okay, she laughed. I'm so silly!!

Daddy doesn't have to go to work on Monday!!! I am so excited that I get an extra day to spend with my daddy!! I love him so much!

I must go to sleep now. Good night!!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

No More Cows!!!

It was a very sad day last week when the tractors showed up. This is the view from my backyard. Usually there are cows on this hill. I love the cows! Because of the valley between us and them, the sound of their "moos" carries to our house so nicely that it sounds like they are in our backyard. Now all I hear is the sound of calapitters (tractors, that is). They are carving away the hills--presumably to build houses. Can you believe that?!?

Here is me helping my mommy clean the kitchen. I am using the little vacuum that Mama and Bapa gave me for my birthday. It makes sound, has a light, a hose, and attachments, and really picks things up!!!

Aren't I cute?

This is my sad face.

Happy face!!
Excited face!
Kiss face!
Mommy and Daddy from my point of view--they are VERY tall!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Preschool: Week 2


Mommy will translate:

Once again, I had to wake up at 6:30 this morning. Can you believe that?!?! However, I was not cranky today! I was excited to go to preschool!

Preschool was fun today! I got to color, paint, do circle time, and play on the play ground. When my mommy picked me up, I showed her the picture I drew "a long, long, long, long time ago." Miss Katie interpretted to Mommy that I had done it last Thursday.

Just before leaving, I used the little preschool potties. They are just my size!!! I can sit on the potty and my feet reach the floor! I made it on time, but still had a slight accident. This morning I picked out the cute Whinnie the Pooh dress that Aunt Betsy made me. Apparently, the back fell into the potty while I was going becuase the back of my dress was all wet while my panties and bloomers were dry. This potty thing is just so complicated!!

I am now cozied into my bed for my afternoon nap.

Oh yeah! My latest thing I like to do is pretend I am a kitty. I meow, purr, rub against people's legs, and crawl. I even call Mommy and Daddy "Mommy Kitty" and "Daddy Kitty." Mommy likes it when I crawl up to her, rub against her legs, and purr. PJ has done a good job training me!

Saturday, August 18, 2007


Today was a pretty eventful day. Even though it was Saturday, Mommy made me wake up early. We went to Miss Brianna's house (she's one of the preschool teachers) and helped them move. Speaking of preschool, these are my first-day photos I promised. I am with my teacher, Miss Katie. I love her very much!

After my afternoon nap, I helped Mommy make dinner. We had pancakes, eggs, bacon, and fruit. While making dinner, I had a slight accident with the chair I was standing on. It grabbed my leg and pinned it against the "wash disher" and wouldn't let go. Mommy had to come rescue me but I was already scraped up. After determining that my leg wasn't going to fall off, Mommy gave me my owie ice cube. She also told me that owies hurt less if they don't know I'm upset about them so I stopped fussing and it worked!! It stopped hurting!

After dinner, Daddy and I had a fun time running around and jumping out at each other from around the corners. "BOOO!" In fact, I had so much fun that I had my first wetting accident in over 3 weeks. OOOPS!!! Mommy and Daddy said it was okay and that things like that happen. So I had to take my bath.
I am now in bed with my beloved pink blankie, brown puppy, and Weenie Bear. Good night!

Things that really matter!

I'm potty trained!
I started preschool last week (pictures to follow later)!
I'm watching Charlotte's Web!
I just ate Macaroni and Cheese!
Tomorrow I get to go to a church picnic!