Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Preschool: Week 2


Mommy will translate:

Once again, I had to wake up at 6:30 this morning. Can you believe that?!?! However, I was not cranky today! I was excited to go to preschool!

Preschool was fun today! I got to color, paint, do circle time, and play on the play ground. When my mommy picked me up, I showed her the picture I drew "a long, long, long, long time ago." Miss Katie interpretted to Mommy that I had done it last Thursday.

Just before leaving, I used the little preschool potties. They are just my size!!! I can sit on the potty and my feet reach the floor! I made it on time, but still had a slight accident. This morning I picked out the cute Whinnie the Pooh dress that Aunt Betsy made me. Apparently, the back fell into the potty while I was going becuase the back of my dress was all wet while my panties and bloomers were dry. This potty thing is just so complicated!!

I am now cozied into my bed for my afternoon nap.

Oh yeah! My latest thing I like to do is pretend I am a kitty. I meow, purr, rub against people's legs, and crawl. I even call Mommy and Daddy "Mommy Kitty" and "Daddy Kitty." Mommy likes it when I crawl up to her, rub against her legs, and purr. PJ has done a good job training me!

1 comment:

Kimiko said...

Keanna, when are you going to update us on what you're doing?