Thursday, August 30, 2007

Being a Girl is Fun!!

I love doing my own hair!! This is how I did my hair on Wednesday. You can't see all of them, but I have about 20 clippies in my hair!!! Mommy is so boring when she does my hair--she only uses 2. =-( For some reason, Mommy doesn't let me do my own hair for school or church. Maybe when I am older

This is my Blue Painting that I did in preschool on Tuesday. Bapa (Grandpa Harry) says this painting is from my blue period. I have no clue what he's talking about, but Mommy and Daddy laughed.

I continue to love preschool very much!!! I am learning the other kids' names. For snack today we had animal crackers and milk!! Two of my favorite things!

Oh yeah. My mommy thinks this is funny. Yesterday, I was standing on the stool in my bathroom washing my hands. All of a sudden, the phone rang. It wasn't in the bathroom so it wasn't that loud. But for some reason, it startled me enough to make me fall off the stool. Once Mommy determined that I was okay, she laughed. I'm so silly!!

Daddy doesn't have to go to work on Monday!!! I am so excited that I get an extra day to spend with my daddy!! I love him so much!

I must go to sleep now. Good night!!

1 comment:

Kimiko said...

Keanna, next time I see you, you can do my hair and put some clippies in it!